dinsdag 18 november 2014

5 reasons why you should be letting go

Letting go of things in your life can be a challenge in itself.
When having the wish to let go, you can be confronted with what you need to let go.

It is all for your highest good. 
See it as a cleaning of what needs to go. 

1.  You may have created some habits in your life that served a purpose (not necessarily a good purpose!) before.
Such habits can be drinking a lot of coffee in the morning, popping that microwave meal in. Think of the habits that you need to let go of in order to become healthier and more energetic person.

2. There may be some people in your life right now who were good friends back in the days, but now all they do is complain and drain your energy. Time for a social clean up. Who can you let go of? 

3. Letting go of the old is necessary to create new things in your life. More positive and uplifting things! New friendships and relationships could be on their way. 

4. Letting go of patterns that you may have created in relationships and friendships is absolutely a must to grow and to avoid repeating past lessons.

5. Letting go of material things that still hold a loaded or negative emotional worth. Not everybody may realize this, but in a way it is holding you back from moving on. 

Autumn is the season where you work on letting things go.
Review what you need to let go today! 
All my love,
And light
